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The Burbank Primary Results are In! Gordon and Guillen Go Forward to the General Election!

Many thanks to the Burbank residents who participated in our primary election! Out of 66,711 eligible voters in our city, 10,785 cast their ballots in the February primary.

Burbank election law states that any candidate who receives 50% of the vote plus one additional vote secures their seat on City Council. With 5,485 votes, Mayor Jess Talamantes earned 50.86% of the vote. He will go on to serve another four-year term.

Four more candidates will face each other in a run-off for the two remaining Council seats: Dr. David Gordon, Juan Guillen, Bob Frutos, and Sharon Springer.

At the end of the ballot count on February 28th, it appeared that Bob Frutos had also collected a high enough percentage of the vote to secure a City Council seat, leaving only Dr. Gordon and Sharon Springer in the run-off.

But Burbank ballots continue to be counted after the announcement of preliminary results. The City Clerk’s office received 999 additional ballots by March 3rd. Those ballots were enough to place Bob Frutos and Juan Guillen back in the general election run-off. Hooray for Juan!

Save Burbank Neighborhoods is delighted that Dr. Gordon and Juan Guillen will both go forward to the general election. Thank you to the numerous Burbank residents who volunteered to knock on doors and pass out flyers. Your activism made a difference.

We hope you will continue to join us in campaigning on behalf of Dr. Gordon and Juan Guillen. Burbankers deserve dependable and ethical representation that prioritizes the needs of residents. The General Election date is April 11th.

Click on the Get Involved page for ways you can help!

For more information on the Burbank election results, you can visit the City web-site.

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