Vote NO on Measure B
As issues arise, the members of Save Burbank Neighborhoods organize to educate themselves and inform the public. Currently we have...
Yard Signs are Here!
Wow! Over 100 residents have already signed up for Vote NO on Measure B lawn signs! If you haven’t ordered yours yet, call Roy at (747)...
Join the Movement! Vote NO on Measure B!
We’re looking for a few good volunteers! The No On Measure B folks need help knocking on doors, passing out flyers, and dropping off...
Meaure B FAQ's
In going door-to-door and talking to Burbank residents, it’s amazing how much confusion is out there! Most Burbank citizens don’t have...
NextGen causes upset in local cities
Looks like NextGEN is causing big issues in Culver City, Point Loma and San Diego. NextGEN starts its roll out in Burbank two days after...