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As issues arise, the members of Save Burbank Neighborhoods organize to educate themselves and inform the public.  We also believe that grass-roots, community organizations should add their voices to the democratic process.    


Show to any council meeting to voice your opinion. Don't want to go it alone? Contact us to discuss your needs.


We update our Facebook page more than our site these days. Please join our riveting debates and conversations at:


We get so excited about the candidates and causes we support that we routinely go out leafletting. We just love to walk and talk...  If you’d like to join us, please contact Roy at (747) 200-5980 or send us an e-mail. 


Hosting a “Meet and Greet” is a great way to let the candidates we support know what you’d like them to do for you, while involving your friends and neighbors in this important local election.   


With a multitude of mixed-use, mega developments in the pipeline and the recent misappropriation of public funds, now more than ever, it is imperative that Burbank citizens make their voices heard.  

Burbank citizens deserve a City Council that is ethical, accountable, and transparent.  Use your vote to create change and ensure that City Council places the rights of residents above those of corporate developers.  

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