Mike & Roy: Why you should vote NO on P!
More light shed on Measure P and solutions to our fiscal crisis here in Burbank, from your friends at the Mike and Roy show! Please share...

Mike & Roy: What Burbank City Council and staff DON'T want you to know about Measures T, V a
Burbank funnels $175,000 of taxpayer money to hotshot PR firm to mislead residents into voting for Measures T, V and Y. PLEASE, vote NO!!

Mike & Roy: The TRUTH you Need to Know on Measure T
Burbank city staff caught with their hand in the cookie jar AGAIN and now need Measure T to pass to cover their tracks. Here's what they...

PREDICTION - Burbank City Council will Appoint a Lackey to Fill the Vacated Seat
Burbank city council will, no doubt, ignore the consensus of residents again and appoint a puppet who will do what they're told and not...

Burbank City Council Will Take the Easy Way Out!
In a strictly rhetorical episode, Mike and Roy remind Burbank city council that residents are looking for a voice on council. Who are you...

Will Burbank City Council let residents have a say in who should represent them?
Residents will likely be left out of the very important decision of who will represent them on City Council.

Mike and Roy: Council appointee...who will it be?
Will Burbank City Council do what is right for residents and appoint someone who will challenge staff and council to consider all sides...

Mike and Roy: Flights over the Rancho!
PLEASE AA! Wheels up at 7am means wheels up at 7am!! Also, planes are coming in over the Rancho now!

Mike and Roy: Yes on B Committee Files Complaint
Committee that illegally spent $50,000 in deceptive campaign, files complaint against grass roots community group?

Mike and Roy: City Council Reduces Public Comment
City Council reduces public comment period from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. They're telling residents it gives them more opportunity for...